How much are classes at BCDTC?
Our BCDTC group classes typically run for 7 weeks and usually cost $100 for non-members.
Sometimes classes may run longer or shorter and are priced accordingly.
Other classes may provide additional services or require different supplies and may cost more.
Members receive discounts of %25 for regular classes and can use volunteer hours to further defray class costs.
What are the requirements for membership and benefits of becoming a member?
What are the Training Club's Rules?
While the club Policies and Procedures have additional details, here is some basic information for coming to a class.
Training Club RulesHow do I rent the facility? How do I reserve my time?
Members may rent the building hourly using earned hours or at a cost of $5.00 per hour. If more than 1 member is present, only 1 member needs to pay using earned hours or money.
If using money, please place the exact amount into an envelope with your name, date and that it was for rental and place into the treasurer's envelope in the office.
You must sign up for your rental hours using the online calendar by creating a Quick Event. Instructions for how to reserve your rental time on the calendar can be found here:
Instructions for Creating Calendar Private Rental PDF
The calendar entry lets people know that the time is reserved and is used by the TRACKER volunteer to tally Member Used Hours.
What should I do if I see damaged club property or damaged training equipment at the training center?
When damaged property is discovered please notify the Acting Facility Director immediately. Please do not remove or dispose of club property without contacting the Facility Director.
If there's a problem with training equipment, please notify the Instructor or Facility Director. Also, document the problem on the maintenance log. Mark the equipment for easy identification.
If the item presents a danger and must be disposed of immediately (i.e., a broken chair), please take a photo to document the damaged item and forwarded the photo to the Facility Director (and to the Training Director if it's training equipment).
Our Facility Director needs to manage our inventory and note when and why property was disposed of. The Training Director needs to inform the Board if training equipment must be replaced.
Please do not dispose of club property or equipment without contacting the appropriate Director.
Thank you!
Where are the Club's Policies and Procedures
The club's latest Bylaws:
Bylaws What are my earned hours earned/used?
How can I change my email settings to get or not get club emails?