You must preregister for this class.
Here is the preferable registration method at this time.
We have a telephone and answering system at the training center if you prefer, but the messages are only checked once or twice a week. To register by phone, please leave a message with your name, phone number, date and name of the class you would like to register for and someone will get back with you. This is an answering service only so please be patient.
You may download, fill out and print a copy of the Class Registration Form to bring it with you along with your payment and proof of vaccinations on the first day of class to expedite the registration process. * You must have Adobe Reader to open the form
For questions, click here. If the email links don't work for you, copy and paste the address,, into your email program.
You will receive a phone call or email confirmation of your class registration.
Important: You MUST bring proof of current vaccinations to the first day of class each session in order to participate in the class. This can be a hard copy, or a photo on your phone. We cannot maintain your vaccinations records here, so please do not send them electronically or leave the copy with us.
If you are registering for a class, please download the class registration form fill it out and bring it with you to the first class in order to expedite the registration process so that class can start on time.